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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Surgery Day & Feeling Blue

Today I had my hysteroscopy.  I tried to get to sleep early last night as I had to leave for the surgery center at 6:15 a.m.  I think I got about 3 hours sleep.  Anyway, I had to get Jack up early as well.  Poor little guy.  Mom picked us up and off we went.  I cannot believe how nervous I was today.  I was making myself nauseous.  I checked in, then Mom and Jack left once they took me back.  Prepping for the procedure, changing into my gown, getting on the gurney, then giving a medication and surgical history, I just started to cry.  Today pales in comparison to what I've been through but it was like a flood of memories came back to me.  They started my IV with fluids and then I met my anesthesiologist.  The nurses were very nice and they all said that crying was no problem, so I did.  I just layed there and cried.  If I said 'mastectomy' once today, I feel like I said 50 times.  I know they are just doing their job but everyone has to keep asking me the same questions and so I sounded like a broken record.  Dr. Wheeler, my OBGYN, arrived.  We briefly discussed the procedure to remove the polyps and aftercare.  Then off I went...... I got my 'cocktail' and I was in la-la land.

I woke up about an hour or so later.  Dr. Wheeler removed 3 polyps.  They are getting biopsied and I'm sure all will be fine but I tend to hold my breath a bit until pathology comes back.  Mom had dropped Jack off at my aunt and uncles house for the afternoon, so she was there when I woke up.  I was so groggy but it soon wore off.  I did need a shot for pain and cramping.  As the nurse was getting me dressed she asked who did my other surgery because she has seen a lot of patients and she said they all commented at how good I look.  I kinda laughed.  I know that my LA doctors did an amazing job putting me all back together, but it's weird to have other medical staff comment.  Since I still don't feel right I just said, "Thank you."  She agreed that it will take me well over a year to "feel" like myself again.  She pulled back the blankets and they were covered with blood and iodine.  So gross, I can only imagine what the hell goes on in any surgery. ICK!

I've been home in bed all day and have not been able to sleep a wink.  I get up and feel a bit dizzy so I just tweeted A LOT today.  Feeling better tonight but cramping again.  Mom has Lovey for an overnight so I'll try a Tylenol p.m. and hope for the best.  I'm so used to having Jack with me and staying on our schedule that getting a day break really isn't a break because my internal clock is thinking about him all the time.  But he had a fun day and he loves spending the night at 'Nanni's' house.

I got my take home instructions and obviously stay down, watch for excessive bleeding and cramping and fever and NO swimming for a week.  "That's my thing," I said.  Feel like I'm taking steps back again with regards to my exercise.  I'll have to do something else next week...maybe just resume my walks.

Friday is my cousins viewing which I am not attending; but his memorial is Monday in Fallbrook and I will be there.  My other cousin Diane, Jim's sister, flew into town so it'll be nice to see her.  She too is BRCA2+ and had her mastectomy last year as well.  SUCKS!!!!

On a lighter note, my amazing son is turning "3" on June 24.  We are Disneyland bound AGAIN.  He loves it; so do I and I LOVE him.  Then a few weeks later, back into the swing of things with my EUS scheduled for July (hospital again). Then I still have to get back up to LA for boobie tattoos.  I'm sure this summer will fly by.

So I've been blue today.  Looking forward to a good night sleep.

"Change is the rule of life, nothing stays the same forever, everything will change, so accept this and enjoy the journey." -Spiritual Truths

Yeah, OK.....



Kim said...

Happy Birthday to Jack. Can not believe he is going to be 3! Where does the time go. How excited is he to go on the new Cars ride. Give him a big hug and kiss from Kim & Dean. XOXO

Kim said...

Hope your feeling better today. Just remember who its all for every time you see his smiling face (Jack). I know this doesnt make the surgeries any funner or easier on you but you are a trooper and did it all for the best reason of all =)

I was cracking up at your comment under the spiritual quote - yeah ok. So funny.