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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Back!

My little break from the medical world and Janeen & Jack was warranted.  Not to sound like poor me...but I didn't get much rest.  See, I have two adult children and so that Darren can participate in this family challenge I took on the job of getting ready Janeen's condo where she lived before Jack, and cleaned and furnished it for Darren.  Boy!!!! what a job but thanks to my sister and her husband and my dear handyman Carlos, it is almost completed.  My sister told me today, " I just love spending your money"!.  I told her she can now stop! 

While I was busy doing this project, Janeen was kept busy with her project, JACK!  It sounds like he has given her a run for the money. Isn't it called the " terrible two's"?  I don't think she has any nerves left after last week and I sure missed them both.  Staying busy is good for her as we go in to the final 11 days before her surgery.  All went well on her Aug. 23rd appointments.  She did her last blood banking. abdomen blood vessel mapping and clearance from Dr. Gransow for surgery.  I need to pull together the schedules for every one who is helping me run both houses and watch Jack  and the puppies while I am away.  Once that is done I think I will be able to say we're ready to roll.  Janeen on the other hand will probably go kicking and screaming all the way up to Santa Monica and in to the OR.  You know what, I would totally understand.  She's trying to be so strong while at the same time she is terrified.

Faith Janeen, is putting all your eggs in God's basket!                                                                       

  Prayer's are the best gift right now for Janeen.  Tell your friends, neighbors and families to say a little prayer each day that all goes well for my daughter.  I know you all will be blessed also.

Love, Barb

1 comment:

Karin W said...

Oh, I soooo know how you feel. I've been waiting on blood work and it's taking tooo long and that makes me so nervous as well. I keep reciting my favorite verse of all time:

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Worrying does not add ANYTHING to our situation, it only detracts from our health!

I love you girl and will be praying. I'm so sorry the blog is not working for me either! I really do need Darren to help me. :)
