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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day of tears

It's been a day of tears.  I have so much to write but it hurts like hell to sit here at the computer, so it'll have to wait.  My aunt and uncle took Jack most of today so maybe it's because I had some alone time I just let go?  My back is KILLING me.  My shoulders, neck..legs fatigued.  Everyone is so impressed with my progress and yet I feel like I am just hanging on, especially today.  Cannot believe I am now past the two week mark and yet it's only been two weeks.  I feel like it's been way longer just because I have this constant reminder; the tightness in my chest and stomache.  My muscles just constantly flexed partly because I cannot stand straight and partly because I feel protected hunched over.  I feel like I've taken a few steps back today.  Oh this fucking pain!  Hurts to cry but I feel like I need to get it out.  Going to bed.  Good night.



Darren J said...

Hang in there. Tomorrow is a more beautiful day for you.

Jack said...

Mommy, I LOVE YOU!!!


kim said...

No one will fault you for crying or having pity parties for yourself Janeen. My goodness youve pretty much been thru hell and are still in it with the pain of recovering.

Do whatever you need to do to get mommys balls (cracking up) fully recovered =)

God Bless.