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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Check Up

I had my first post op appointment today with Dr. Orringer. The one downside to having LA doctors is driving back and forth for appointments afterwards. Very uncomfortable. So I got most of my stitches removed and where I had developed hard scar tissue is now duey soft. I am still fairly numb but I did feel some of the stitch removal so I guess that's a good sign. But the major reveal today.....nipples. It was startling to say the least but he did warn me. Dr. O did his happy dance when he revealed my left side, nice and pink. The right....well, he said it looks good. The biggest worries are infection and tissue dying and I thought maybe the right one was dying because parts are black. He said I am past the dying stage and it does have a good blood supply so not to worry, but I am. Again, they are big but they will shrink. He is beyond pleased with how I look because he's done this thousands of times and knows what the final outcome will look like. I have no frame of reference so I can't quite do any happy dance yet. I always feel like my lack of enthusiasm may be mistaken for being unappreciative and this couldn't be further from the truth. I am so glad my doctor understands this. But he had a grin from ear to ear and is just so happy. My right breast that had to be reduced wasn't closed so he removed the stitches and put in new ones. Again he said I was numb and wouldn't feel it, but I did, so again, maybe a good sign that feeling is coming back. I have a little concern for new stitches as I have had another scar once from a basel cell that refused to close that took 3 attempts. But I will try to stay optimistic. Mom and I were surprised at the lack of black and blue those first days but I certainly have many colors going on now. I do look like I've been used as a punching bag. I got new donuts cut out that I have to put into my bra now and here's a kicker....for up to one year. Yup, we don't want my new babies to flatten. I am very self conscious as I thought everyone was looking right at my boobs today. I'll probably feel this way for awhile until I can get to the point where I say "screw it.". I know why they are there.

Anyway the 405 was hell today so I'm glad to be home. My sitter ran Jacks ass off today so I have a tired baby and I am exhausted. Can't wait to change into my other wet suit, fix my new bra and crawl into bed where I can only pull the sheets up to my waist. This is going to take some getting used to. I'm back on meds to prevent infection from my new stitches...and taking Z pack because I feel like crap. I got Jacks bug as does mom. as I seem to finish most posts, this too shall pass.

Exhausting day...good night.

Janeen, Jack and two tired puggies. Thank God!

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