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Friday, September 9, 2011

Three More Sleeps

Janeen and I both are in a good place today.  We both still have lots to do before we take off but our heads are in a good place and that brings a smile to my face.

Something interesting did happen today.  When Janeen got home she had two messages waiting for her from St. John's Hospital.  When she returned the calls she found out they were courtesy calls to inform her that her insurance company had only approved 2 days for hospitalization.  She's suppose to be in ICU for 3 days for crying out loud.  They suggested she call her doctor which she did, and his response was " not to worry and have a nice week end".  So that's what we are going to do.

She sent me a Spiritual Truth that I would like to share:

Look within, be still, free from fear and attachment. know the sweet joy of living.......Buddha

Hope you all have a wonderful week end too!

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